Argument in Vernon, California, 1870.


O Ke Au Okoa;—Aloha oe:

Please extend you patience for this, so that the many friends of the one killed will know; that being William McCoy Kekoe, who was stabbed with a knife by George Osgood Maikai, and died.—This man, Maikai, is from Lahaina, on the island of Maui, and Kekoe is from Oahu, at Paakea, and Kamoku, and his place of birth is on Maui.

This is how the heinous crime happened: while W. M. Kekoe owed G. O. Maikai a sum of money more than ten dollars, and being that Kekoe did not repay this debt; therefore, Maikai stated that he would take the net of Kekoe to go Salmon (Kamano) fishing, and if he caught fish in the net, the debt would be paid off with the fish (after selling it and getting money). Kekoe agreed to Maikai taking his net until Kekoe’s debt was paid off; and then the net would return to who it belonged, that being Kekoe; however, Maikai did not take the net and left it, and took Mr. J. Kapu’s net,—and thereafter, W. M. Kekoe sold his net off to some friends for $40.00 on the 22nd of this July, and Maikai heard that the net of Kekoe was sold for forty dollars, and that W. M. K. was getting ready to return here to Sacramento (being that it was in Vernon that this evil deed was done); this preparation was done in the dark, at nine (9) o’clock in the evening.

G. O. M. went after him to ask W. M. K. to repay his money, and W. M. K. refused; that G. O. M.  would not get the money because he left behind the net. They continued to argue in that way until the stabbing, and G. O. M. immediately fled in those minutes. This is all, with aloha for the Luna, and the boys of the Government Press [Papa Pai Aupuni].

W. D. K. Paniani.

Sacramento City, Cal, July 26, 1870.

(Au Okoa, 8/25/1870, p. 2)

Pepehi Kanaka.

Ke Au Okoa, Buke VI, Helu 19, Aoao 2. Augate 25, 1870.

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