New Hawaiian shop, “Ka Noeau o Hawaii,” 1896.

“Ka Noeau o Hawaii.”

This is the name of a store that opened on this Independence Day [La Kuokoa] by some Hawaiian women in an office of Charles Aki’s [Kale Aki] large new rental space just built at Leleo near Koiuiu. There is sold Hawaiian goods fashioned with skill by the hands of women like ie hats, fans, blankets, purses, lace, and many other things, and also they do tailoring. This shop is under the equal management of Mrs. Aana Kekoa and her sister L. Aoe Like and Meleana Li. We doubt it, but it is said that they did sacrifices with the snout of a pig, and they feasted with those that labored with them until satiated. Our prayer for them is that they meet with good fortune and progress.

(Makaainana, 12/7/1896, p. 2)

"Ka Noeau o Hawaii."

Ka Makaainana, Buke VI—-Ano Hou, Helu 23, Aoao 2. Dekemaba 7, 1896.

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