Joseph Kapaeau Aea passes on, 1911.


Joseph Aea, agent of Her Majesty Liliuokalani, died last evening about ten o’clock at his home in Pauoa. He had been associated with the queen’s family for many years. He leaves a widow and two sons. One of them is the protege of Queen Liliuokalani and is also the stenographer and assistant clerk in the city clerk’s office.

Joseph Aea was for many years connected with the old Royal Hawaiian band. He was the solo viol player and was an excellent musician. He became attached to the household of Queen Liliuokalani, and attended Liliuokalani when she was one of the official guests at the jubilee of Queen Victoria in London. He also attended the queen when she visited Washington in 1903. His wife was also one of the queen’s closest personal attendants, and has been particularly attentive to her since the overthrow of the monarchy.

In 1907, upon the death of Hon. J. O. Carter, Liliuokalani appointed Mr. Aea as her business agent, but the Liliuokalani Trust, formed about two years ago, transferred this important office to Col. C. P. Iaukea, who is one of the trustees under the Liliuokalani Trust.

Aea was a delegate to the Democratic territorial convention in 1900, and was nominated for the legislature by the Home Rulers in 1902, and again in 1904, by the Democrats.

(Hawaiian Star, 1/26/1911, p. 7)


Hawaiian Star, Volume XVIII, Number 5866, Page 7. January 26, 1911.

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