La Kuokoa, the early days, 1846.

The Shining Day.

On the 28th of November, 1843, the nations of Britain and France recognized the independence of this nation of Hawaii; therefore, the 28th of November every year is a day of joy, a day of rest from work, of feasting, of fellowship.

So too was this past holiday, the 28th of Nov.; there was no work done on Oahu, as it was a day of rejoicing for the independence of this Kingdom.

At 12 noon, the cannons rang out, the naturalized haole held a party at [Mau…lika?] and the King held a banquet at his [?] with his alii and the young alii. The doors of the palace of the King were opened, and crowds of haole and [?] came to see him. Present was the American Consul in his beautiful attire as well as the Consul of Denmark.

Early in the morning of that glorious day, the King and some alii entered the hous of Jehovah as well as many of the public, to give thanks to the one to whom the nation belongs. This was as it should be, for Jehovah is the Head of Monarchs of all kingdoms, who cares for and who overthrows, from who comes protection and independence of a nation, [?] and the people rejoice in him. Should this nation, Hawaii, be blessed, the glory goes to God, and not upon the alii and man.

Except the Lord build the house,
They labour in vain that build it,
Except the Lord keep the city,
The watchman waketh but in vain.

At our assembly in the house of God on that happy day, the Pastor spoke on this topic.

“For Israel hath not been forsaken,
“Nor Judah of his God, of Jehovah of hosts,
“Though their land was filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel.”

The lesson of this passage was, ‘There are many sins committed by the people and alii of Hawaii, and yet God has not forsaken them.

God sees the drinking of alcohol, the fornication, evil deeds on his sacred day, the worshiping of idols, the fighting, the the overburdening, the snatching, the stealing, the lying, the indolence—and yet God has not forsaken you; he is patient and gives blessings. This nation was near lost, but was held fast by God who returned the rule of the land, and his nation is expanding, along with his righteousness and grace, from one corner of the land to the other.

Therefore we must acknowledge Jehovah, and always give him praise, and listen to his voice. Don’t just boast of the independence of the nation, but act intelligently and righteously. Leave laziness behind and work, and ward off all evil things and hold fast to the things which will elevate this independent nation. And then God’s blessings and patience will be worthwhile.

(Elele, 12/12/1846, p. 135)


Ka Elele, Buke 2, Pepa 17, Aoao 135. Dekemaba 12, 1846.