Early Thanksgiving in Hawaii, 1862

Thanksgiving Day.

In the month of Mei, 1862, at the Conference of American missionaries here in Honolulu, Rev. L. Smith, and Rev. S. C. Damon were chosen as the Committee to clarify the appropriate day for the churches of Hawaii to give thanks to God for his blessing the people of this Archipelago in this year which is coming to an end.

Therefore, we select the last Thursday of this November, that being the 27th, as the day to give thanks to God. Here are some reasons to encourage the gathering of pastors and church members to celebrate this day.

1. For this Nation’s peace, and lack of war with other Countries.

2. For the availability of food for the people of this Archipelago.

3. For the lack of trouble from pestilence.

4. For the spread of the Bible here in Hawaii; and for the ability of the people to worship the living God as they wish?

5. For the abundance of Schools, and Churches, and teachers to teach the people.

6. For the good health of the King, and the Queen. Yet we remember with aloha, their tragedy, and grief, for the passing of their beloved child, “Ka Haku o Hawaii”.

There are many other things to encourage us to glorify God in the open as one.

Therefore, God’s people should gather at their churches on the specified day, to give their appreciation, exaltation, and songs of praise.

L. Smith.

S. C. Damon.

(Nupepa Kuokoa, 11/22/1862, p. 3)

Ka La Hoomaikai.

Nupepa Kuokoa, Buke I, Helu 52, Aoao 3. Novemaba 22, 1862.